To become a 3-Star status (World Class Organisation) in Best Companies survey by 2027
Our people are our most valuable asset and we're trying hard to create a place where our people love to be. That means paying them properly for the work they do, valuing their contributions by providing great benefits, and lending a supportive hand whenever things get a bit tough. It also means celebrating individuality, identifying talent, and giving everybody the opportunity to grow. We're providing equal opportunities for all our people in a safe, diverse, inclusive, fair and fun environment, built on our key value of kindness.

Best Companies
We’re on an exciting journey toward achieving a 3-star accreditation with Best Companies, and we're thrilled to have earned our 1-star recognition for 2024.
This achievement places us among the Top 100 Best Mid-Sized Companies in the UK, ranking 17th in the Hospitality and Leisure sector, 75th nationally, and 30th regionally. We’re especially proud of our Nursery team, who secured 8th place in Education and Training and 25th regionally. This milestone is more than just an award—it reflects our ongoing commitment to our people, who are at the heart of everything we do.
Real living wage
We believe in fair pay and the positive impact it has on our team, their families, and the communities we serve. That’s why we’re proud to offer the Real Living Wage, which reflects the true cost of living and helps our people thrive, both at work and outside of it. With nearly half of all hospitality jobs paid below the Real Living Wage, we’re committed to going above and beyond to value our team’s hard work. By adopting the Real Living Wage, we aim to create an environment where our people feel supported, motivated, and empowered to grow.

Supporting our Team
We believe in offering enhanced benefits that give our team peace of mind, knowing they’re supported every step of the way.
We want our people to feel secure, whether they’re recovering from illness or celebrating the arrival of a new family member. That’s why we offer enhanced sick pay, ensuring they can focus on getting better without worrying about lost income. Our enhanced maternity and paternity pay helps parents take the time they need to bond with their new baby, while still receiving full pay during those first important weeks. We also provide paid leave for baby loss, bereavement, carers’ leave, and fertility appointments because we want our team to feel fully supported in all aspects of their lives. These benefits help give our team peace of mind, allowing them to focus on what matters most at work and at home.