

To reduce our water consumption to be below 0.2 Cubic Meters per overnight guest

We understand the importance of sustainable water management and are working hard on solutions that reduce our water consumption. From flow reduction devices and monitoring systems to reduced laundry and revised housekeeping procedures, our sustainability team is implementing small changes across our venues that add up to a big impact. We are in the process of reestablishing our grey water system to further reduce our water usage. We also aim to inspire both our guests and team to embrace sustainability by sharing helpful tips, showcasing best practices, and offering ongoing training. 

Manifesto 9 1 Safe water

Safe Water

In our efforts to promote water safety and sustainability, we use environmentally friendly chemicals to ensure that our water treatment processes are both effective and eco-conscious.

Our pool is equipped with an advanced UV filter system, significantly reducing the need for harsh chemicals while maintaining safe and clean water. Additionally, we have implemented a rainwater collection tank, which allows us to capture and repurpose rainwater for non-potable uses, conserving water and reducing our reliance on mains supply. These initiatives reflect our dedication to environmentally responsible water use and highlight our commitment to sustainable operations that protect both the community and the environment.

Water Reduction

We are collaborating with the Water Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC) at Loughborough University to further reduce our water usage to explore innovative water-saving solutions. One key project currently underway is the re-establishment of a greywater system, which will allow us to recycle water from sinks and showers for uses such as toilet flushing and landscape irrigation. We have also incorporated water-saving flush mechanisms in every toilet, ensuring efficient water use throughout our facilities. These measures demonstrate our proactive approach to water conservation and our commitment to integrating cutting-edge research and practical solutions to minimize water consumption and enhance sustainability.

Manifesto 9 3 Housekeeping

Reducing housekeeping

We’re dedicated to reducing water usage in housekeeping through a variety of thoughtful initiatives.

With our "Room for Trees" program, guests staying two or more nights can choose to skip housekeeping and, in return, plant a tree. We’ve also streamlined window cleaning to use less water and encourage towel reuse to cut down on laundry washing. Plus, our partnership with Johnsons for bulk laundry processing not only reduces water consumption but also lowers truck emissions. Together, these efforts help us conserve water and promote sustainability throughout our operations.